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3 (
); 79-81

Writing, rewriting homoeopathy

Department of Repertory, Dr. M. L. Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic Institute, Rural Homoeopathic Hospital, Palghar, Maharashtra, India.

*Corresponding author: Dr. Nikunj J. Jani, Department of Repertory, Dr. M. L. Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic Institute, Rural Homoeopathic Hospital, Opp. ST Workshop, Palghar-Boisar Road, Palghar - 401 404, Maharashtra, India.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

How to cite this article: Jani NJ. Writing, rewriting homoeopathy. J Intgr Stand Homoeopathy 2020;3(4):79-81.

In over 200 years of its existence, homoeopathy has positioned itself as a powerful alternative system of medicine. A significant proportion of population worldwide chooses homoeopathy as a solution for their health issues.[1] Globally, homoeopaths successfully treat cases (both acute and chronic) every day. Every practicing homoeopath has witnessed the power of homoeopathy in providing patients with gentle, yet effective relief from their ailments. However, despite these wonderful results, it is unfortunate that only some of these cases are published in our journals.[2]

A cross-section survey carried out in 2019 reported that a massive 93% of homoeopathic practitioners felt that reading homoeopathic journals were a vital means to keep themselves and homoeopathy active and agile; however, only 17% expressed their desire to contribute scientific evidence-based articles to homoeopathic journals.[3] It appears that we homoeopaths are more comfortable in treating and reading, rather than writing and reporting the clinical work that we do.

In the homoeopathic journals of yore, we observe that several published cases and studies have impacted the rise and spread of homoeopathy.[4-6] Homoeopathy’s popularity can be attributed to the publication of such cured cases and the discussions that ensued.[2]

A published paper in a peer-reviewed publication not only contributes to the author’s curriculum vitae but also provides them a chance to share their clinical experience with fellow professionals. A published article can help the readers identify and deal with similar problems or clinical conditions in their own practice. Published case reports have significant academic value and can deliver the learning objectives and outcomes very effectively.[7] As per the Oxford Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine Levels of Evidence 2011, case reports/case series are of minor importance in evidence-based medicine and are classified as level 4 evidence;[8] however, they can make significant contributions to knowledge and education of medical students and even practitioners. The primary goal of writing a case report is sharing evidence-based information for educational purposes.[9] Every homoeopath has a good number of cases that can demonstrate key concepts of homoeopathy. Moreover, case reports are easier to write and submit for publication. The need of the hour is for us to share our successfully treated cases with each other. Normal and routine cases reflecting on daily practice help more than the extraordinary or rare cases (with regards to rare clinical conditions and rare remedies).[10]

Across the world, efforts are made to motivate the teaching faculty to publish papers and thus imbibe a culture of publishing.[11] Publishing in peer-reviewed journals in the medical world is essentially seen as knowledge transfer and the onus of giving priority to this knowledge transfer rests with the academic world.[12] The homoeopathic academic community also must take this up seriously and publish in quality peer-reviewed journals. Educational institutions need to engage in evidence-based practices, impart appropriate training to conduct high-quality research and raise funds for research.[13] The drivers of the process will be teachers of homoeopathic institutions who will be in the forefront to publish their experiences in a scientific manner.

Can our teachers spearhead reforms and change the face of homoeopathic education? The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) approved by the Union Cabinet in July 2020, outlines the vision for India’s new education system and aims to transform our policy.[14] It has given the highest importance to the role of the teacher in bringing about transformation of education in the country. In this issue, we have a policy paper by Dr. Kumar Dhawale, a member of the Board of Governors of CCH, which lays down the roadmap for educational institutions of homoeopathy in revitalising homoeopathic medical education in the post-COVID-19 era.[15] The paper proposes an integration of the principles laid down by Dr. Hahnemann, Principles of Medical education, and the NEP 2020 for bringing about reforms in the homoeopathic education. This paper will help the entire homoeopathic academic community to prepare a plan to usher in the reforms.

Among the masters of homoeopathy, Dr. C. M. Boger was a prolific clinician, teacher and writer. Boger’s approach to totality is not centred on pathology, but pathogenesis. His focus is on the “pathogenetic” potential of the remedies in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica that is manifested at various planes: physical, mental and pathological. The Synoptic Key is Dr Boger’s unique contribution to homoeopathy. It is an instrument par excellence in sharpening the homeopathic physician’s capacity for analysis and synthesis.[16] In this issue, we have an original paper by Vachhani et al. which demonstrates the application of Boger’s philosophy in understanding the Synoptic Key and in turn the application of both in clinical practice.[17] This paper is sure to help in understanding Boger’s philosophy and the concepts put forth by him.

We also have two interesting case reports in this issue. The first is a case of lichen simplex chronicus in elderly man[18] and another of hypothyroidism in a young woman.[19] Both these cases will show the application of homoeopathy in these different clinical conditions.

Recently, I was gifted a wonderful book of essays titled “Known and Strange Things” by the award winning Nigerian-American writer and photographer Teju Cole. In one of his essays titled “Home Strange Home,” Cole describes his journey from Nigeria (the country of his parents and where he spent most of his childhood and adolescence) to the United States (the country of his birth), for his education. On his first evening on the university campus, he experiences sudden panic and is flooded with all memories of the years in Nigeria, the country which was his home for 17 years. After settling down, that evening he decides to invent new memories for himself. He writes, “These new memories were all about the home I had left to come back home: What I had liked about that other life and what part of it I was happy to be rid of.”[20]

The above lines made me ponder. Over a century, homoeopaths have been nurtured by the writings of the old masters who recorded their experiences, failures, experiments and observations so that subsequent generations of homoeopaths could learn and take homoeopathy to where it is today. The teaching curriculum designed with the help of that information is still used in our educational institutions. The onus now lies on us, the current generation, to keep what is needed, get rid of the unwanted, build resources of scientific, evidence-based knowledge, formulate a curriculum to prepare future homoeopaths using the latest advances in medical education and launch good amount of clinical research in homoeopathy.[21] All through applying the framework provided by the NEP 2020 so that the future generations of homoeopaths will be able to take homoeopathy to the next level. It is time to write, rewrite homoeopathy.

We come to the close of a year that has been an utter chaos, especially for the entire healthcare fraternity. In these unprecedented circumstances, I am short of words to express my gratitude to our reviewers. They donate their precious time to offer our authors and readers the gift of their expertise. They have helped to bring forth countless improvements to the manuscripts and helped in raising the standards of the papers published in JISH. There are two people whom I find it impossible to convey my gratitude, they are what I call, “The Editor’s Editors;” they are Dr. Kumar Dhawale and Dr. Shruti Palaye. They both work behind the scenes and, hence, never receive the credit they deserve.

A big thank you to the editorial board of JISH and to our publishers, who try and bring the latest in the field of Medical Publishing to bring JISH up to International standards.

Season’s greetings and warm wishes for a wonderful New Year to you and your loved ones. Hope it will bring in health, happiness and normalcy in all our lives.


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