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Effectiveness of homoeopathic remedy causticum in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia - Two case reports
*Corresponding author: Dr. Srigiri G. S. Chakravarthy, Department of Practice of Medicine, National Homoeopathy Research Institute in Mental Health, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
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How to cite this article: Chakravarthy SG, Vinitha T, Beegum S. Effectiveness of homoeopathic remedy causticum in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia - Two case reports. J Intgr Stand Homoeopathy. 2024;7:154-9. doi: 10.25259/JISH_8_2024
Trigeminal neuralgia (TGN), also known as tic douloureux, is a recurrent painful disorder of the trigeminal nerve characterised by lancinating shooting pain along the dermatomes of the trigeminal nerve triggered by routine activities such as talking, brushing and chewing. Although the reason is unknown, the most common cause is attributed to neurovascular compression by its surrounding structures. Many pharmacological approaches alleviate trigeminal pain for a shorter duration with prolonged harmful counter effects and the most successful treatment, such as microvascular decompression surgery, gives a series of risks of complications. Homoeopathy is known for its cost-effectiveness and safest among all the treatment modalities that stands foremost in relieving neuralgic conditions, including TGN. Here, two cases of TGN are totally relieved by potentised homoeopathic medicine causticum, showing the efficacy over other systems of treatment as measured by the Barrow Neurological Institute pain intensity score before and after treatment.
Trigeminal neuralgia
Trigeminal neuralgia (TGN) is a complex orofacial pain syndrome characterised by the paroxysmal onset of sudden, severe stabbing, recurrent painful attacks in the trigeminal N. distribution.[1] TGN is differentiated into classical – often caused by a microvascular compression at the trigeminal root entry zone, and symptomatic variant – due to other structural lesions apart from vascular compression.[2] The incidence of TGN is expected to be 4–13 people per 100,000/year, with female predominance.[3,4]
Many studies prove that the neuralgic pain of TGN is due to demyelination changes occurring at the Root entry zone, leading to imbalances in voltage gated sodium channels, causing pain recurrences. These demyelination changes are common due to nerve compression or demyelination diseases like multiple sclerosis.[5]
Clinically, TGN is classified into primary/idiopathic and secondary/symptomatic. Also, based on symptomatology, it is divided into typical, atypical, trigeminal neuropathy, pre-TGN and short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing.[6] The diagnosis of TGN can only be clinically confirmed by the presence of symptoms like paroxysmal attacks of sudden sharp lancinating pain on one side of the face along the distribution of the trigeminal nerve, which is triggered by routine activities such as eating, chewing and talking.[7] Investigations like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are recommended to exclude tumours, cysts, multiple sclerosis, or any demyelinating diseases of the nervous system. Apart from MRI, the role of biochemical investigations has the least importance in the diagnosis of TGN, but recent studies evidenced reduced levels of post-operative enolase and significant post-operative increase of C-reactive protein, ferritin and interleukin-6 values in microvascular decompression surgery.[8] The first-line pharmacological treatments like carbamazepine oxcarbazepine to control pain in the very first instance, followed by anticonvulsants in later stages for effective relief. Studies show that the patients treated with combined surgical and medical treatment have a greater improvement than medication alone.[9] Surgical procedures like microvascular decompression techniques provide long-term pain relief by repositioning blood vessels and compressing the trigeminal nerve. However, total relief of pain is not guaranteed, nor is it always permanent, and up to 4% of patients develop serious complications, such as cerebrospinal fluid leaks, cerebral infarcts or intracranial bleeds.[10] In view of the temporary relief from conventional medicine or subsequent after-effects of surgical procedures, many people approach alternative treatment methods for comparatively better relief and avoid surgical procedures. In acute neuralgic pains, homoeopathic remedies reduce the pain by correcting the physiological imbalances in tissues and nerve endings. Very few significant studies on neurological diseases treated by homoeopathy were available in the literature. A case series of 15 patients of TGN by Mojaver et al. showed that the pain intensity and frequency reduced by 60% after using homoeopathic medicines alone and there were statistically significant results (P < 0/001) in a 4-month duration of treatment.[11] The Barrow Neurological Institute pain intensity score (BNIPI) was given hereunder for assessment of the outcome, refer Table 1.
Score | Pain description |
I | No pain, no medications |
II | Occasional pain, no medications required |
III | Some pain, adequately controlled with medications |
IV | Some pain, not adequately controlled with medications |
V | Severe pain or no relief |
Case 1
Patient information
A 62-years-old female, housewife, and resident of Kerala visited the outpatient department (OPD) on 20 September 2022 with a complaint of pain in the right side of the face with difficulty in opening the mouth for 2 months. The patient was apparently well 7 years back, and 1 day, she had a toothache for which she underwent root canal treatment. After a few days, she again had pain in the lower jaw with difficulty in opening the mouth, associated with pain over the right side of the face. Later, she travelled to Dubai, after which her pain was severe, and she was diagnosed with TGN, for which she was advised of minor surgery by a dental physician. However, as she was not willing to opt for surgery, she underwent acupuncture treatment for a few months in 2017, along with allopathic medications with partial relief. After 2 months, the complaints were very severe, and she travelled back to India and approached for homoeopathic treatment. No other major illness in the past. Family history of diabetes mellitus with no other major illnesses.
Personal history
Appetite: good, bowels – regular; urine; clear – no voiding difficulties. Attained menopause at the age of 47 years. Thermal reaction: Hot patient; desire and aversion: Not specific; appetite and thirst: Increased; stool: satisfactory; urine: Occasionally burning micturition; Perspiration: Generalised, non-offensive, non-staining and sleep: Good, prefers sleeping on sides. Usually, she had brooding and anxiety about her health due to disturbed daily activities.
Clinical findings
On examination: well-nourished; pallor, icterus, cyanosis and oedema: Absent; skin and nails: Normal; lymphadenopathy: Absent; blood pressure: 110/70 mm Hg; pulse: 72 beats/min and respiratory rate: 18 breaths/min; afebrile. On neurological examination, facial sensation, masseter bulk, strength and corneal reflexes were intact. There was difficulty in opening the mouth widely due to sharp radiating pain in the jaw.
Detailed case taking was done as per Hahnemannian guidelines of case taking given in organon of medicine followed by analysis and evaluation of the symptoms. The totality of symptoms was erected, and repertorisation was done, taking into account only the most striking mental generals, physical generals and uncommon particulars using synthesis repertory in RADAR 10.5. Repertorisation result. The following characteristic symptoms were considered for repertorisation:
Right-sided neuralgic pain in the face
Aggravation from eating, talking
Difficulty in opening mouth
Appetite increased
Thirst – unquenchable
Painful urination.
Timeline: The patient was treated in a total duration of nearly 11 months from 19 October 2022 to 13 September 2023 [Table 2].
Diagnostic assessment: MRI brain revealed features of neuromuscular conflict at the right trigeminal root with indentation of nerve root and nerve atrophy. The pain intensity was Grade-IV on the BNIPI Scale.
Therapeutic intervention: After evaluation and repertorisation, homoeopathic remedy causticum was prescribed as the drug of choice as per the repertorial result.
First Prescription:
Date: 19 October 2022
Remedy: Causticum
Potency: 200/4 doses.
Weekly one dose 6 pills; placebo 6 pills twice daily – 1 month
Date of visit | Symptoms | Medicine with doses, repetition. | Justification |
November 23, 2022 | Pain reduced than before, difficulty in opening of mouth reduced, aphthae reduced, burning pain during urination reduced | Placebo 6 pills twice daily for 1 month; causticum 200/2D | There was much improvement. So placebo was prescribed |
December 23, 2022 | Pain in the right side of the face is much better. Difficulty in opening of mouth better. Irritation in throat and cough for 1 week. An urticaria-like rash over the body for 1 week. Hair fall and reduced sleep due to pain. Did not take SOS (only when required) medication Did not take SOS (only when required) medication |
Placebo 6 pills twice daily for 1 month | Old symptoms were reappearing which is a good sign; hence, no medicine was prescribed |
January 25, 2023 | Pain in right side of the face increased than before, urticaria like symptoms persists, trembling of hands and head persists, hair fall persists, sleep - disturbed on and off, appetite gradually improving | Causticum 1M/2 dose (weekly)+(1 dose). Placebo 6 pills twice daily for 1 month | Complaints increased so potency of the medicine was raised. |
February 03, 2023 | Pain in right side of the face reduced slightly, urticaria like symptoms reduced slightly, trembling of hands and head reduced, sleep: improved, hair fall persisting | Causticum 1 M/2 dose weekly once. Placebo 6 pills twice daily | As there was improvement noted, medicine was continued. |
March 22, 2023 | Pain frequency and intensity reduced than before, urticaria reduced, cough and breathlessness since 1 week, especially in the night with sleeplessness, appetite - improved | Arsenic Alb 200/2 doses for 1 day. Placebo 6 pills twice daily | Ars alb was prescribed as an acute remedy for dyspnoea |
April 18, 2023 | Pain frequency and intensity of pain reduced than before, urticaria reduced, cough and breathlessness - better but persisting; sleeplessness - reduced, appetite - improved | Arsenic Alb 200/2 dose. Placebo 6 pills twice daily | Ars alb was prescribed as an acute remedy for dyspnoea |
May 12, 2023 | Pain right side of face frequency much reduced. difficulty in talking chewing - on and off episodically persisting; breathlessness – nil. Burning sensation in vertex – reduced than before, muscle cramps on off in the legs | Causticum 1M/6 pills once. Placebo 6 pills twice daily | Since recurrence of pain, Causticum 1M was prescribed |
June 09, 2023 | Trigeminal neuralgic pain, reduced sleep improved, on and off carpopedal spasm; No other complaints | Placebo 6 pills twice daily – 1 month. | Good improvement |
August 11, 2023 | No recurrence of trigeminal neuralgic pain injury to the eye with redness of eyes | Hypericum 30–6d (Every 12thhour once) Causticum 1 M–1 dose on 15 August 2023; placebo 6 pills twice daily – 1 month. | No recurrence of the complaints |
August 23, 2023 | Complaints very occasionally while brushing and eating. Totally relieved | Causticum 1M-1 dose. Placebo 6 pills twice daily–1 month. | To prevent severity and reduce suffering of the patient, Causticum 1M was prescribed. |
September 13, 2023 | Pain is much better. Difficulty in talking is much reduced. No gums bleed while brushing. No other complaint | Placebo 6 pills twice daily per month. Causticum 1M-1 dose | The patient was totally relieved of the intensity and frequency of the complaints |
Case 2
Patient information
A 54-year-old female, housewife, and resident of Kerala visited the neurology OPD with c/o severe shooting pain in the left lower jaw radiating to the left side of her head for the past 6 months. The patient was asymptomatic 6 months back. She came with complaints of pain in the left lower jaw for 6 months. The pain increased gradually in intensity and often radiated toward the left ear. The pain is the burning type of pain that aggravates after travelling in cold air, cold water application, or while talking, which usually reduces after taking medications. She has been a known case of type 2 diabetes mellitus for 2 years and was under allopathic treatment, and also a known case of dyslipidaemia for 4 years under allopathic treatment. Occasionally, the patient has a bloated sensation in the abdomen after eating sour/spicy foods. No other major illness. No specific illness in the past. No major illness in the family. Menopause attained the age of 45 years. Personal History: Appetite: Good; Thirst: Reduced – avg. 1 L/day; Desires spices and sour; intolerance to cold weather; sleep: Refreshing and URINE: Involuntary urination during coughing, frequent urination 2 or 3 times at night. Sometimes, urge incontinence while travelling. Stool: Voided regularly; scanty sweat and chilly patient.
Clinical findings
On examination: Moderately built and well-nourished; no pallor, icterus, cyanosis and oedema; skin and nails: Normal; Lymphadenopathy: absent; blood pressure: 150/90 mm Hg; pulse: 82 beats/min and respiratory rate: 19 breaths/min; afebrile. On neurological examination, facial sensation, masseter bulk strength and corneal reflexes were intact. There was lachrymation along the left eye, along with pain attacks. Detailed case taking was done as per Hahnemannian guidelines of case taking given in organon of medicine followed by analysis and evaluation of the symptoms. The totality of symptoms was erected, and repertorisation was done, taking into account only the most striking mental generals, physical generals and uncommon particulars using synthesis repertory in RADAR 10.5.
The following characteristic symptoms were considered for repertorisation:
Totality of symptoms considered for repertorisation
Pain in the left lower teeth radiates toward the left ear, causing burning pain
Pain aggravates when travelling in cold air or cold water application while talking.
Thirst reduced
Desire for spices and sour foods
Involuntary urination during coughing,
Frequent urination during the night
Sometimes, urge incontinence while travelling
Scanty sweat.
Timeline: The patient was treated for a total duration of nearly 11 months, from 16 November 2022 to 30 August 2023 [Table 3].
Diagnostic assessment: MRI brain revealed features of neuromuscular conflict. The pain intensity was Grade-IV on the BNIPI scale.
Therapeutic intervention and follow-up: After proper evaluation and repertorisation, individualised homoeopathic prescription aconitum napellus was prescribed as the drug of choice, but since it is a short-acting remedy and did not hold up for many days, and hence, causticum was prescribed as per the repertorial result.
First prescription: Aconitum napellus
Date: 16 November 2022
Potency: 200
Dosage: Four doses weekly, once 6 pills; placebo 6 pills twice daily for 15 days.
Date of visit | Symptoms | Medicine with doses, repetition | Justification |
November 30, 2022 | Bloating sensation present pain over both hypochondrium aggravated while lying and after eating. Burning sensation in the anal region is present. Flatulence present. Pain in the left lower teeth increased more than before. Mouth aphthae present | 1. Causticum 200/4 pills, weekly once 2. Placebo 4 pills BD (morning and night) weekly once × 30 days |
Episodes of the pain are intolerable to the patient |
December 28, 2022 | Involuntary urination while coughing, sneezing persists as such. Pain in the left lower teeth reduced slightly <talking, eating pain over both hypochondrium reduced slightly. Burning sensation in anal region reduced. Heaviness over-head since 4 days | 1. Causticum 1M/2 doses OD+1 dose 2. Placebo/TDS daily for 15 Days |
No much change in the pain intensity |
January 25, 2023 | Involuntary urination while coughing, sneezing persists as such. Generals–Good; Pain in left lower teeth reduced when hot and cold water holding in mouth; bloating sensation present | 1. Causticum 1M/2 doses BD on the same day+1 dose 2. Placebo 4 pills BD (morning and night) weekly for 1 month |
1 dose of Causticum was taken |
February 22, 2023 | Pain left side of face present. Involuntary urination while coughing and sneezing reduced; no complaint of burning sensation in anal region; reddishness over gums; pain in the left lower teeth reduced; bloating sensation of abdomen; burning sensation in anal region occasionally present | 1. Causticum 1M/2 doses (morning) +1 dose 2. Placebo 4 pills BD (morning and night) weekly once×1 month |
Good relief to the patient, but repeated as involuntary urination persist |
March 22, 2023 | Reddishness over gum region reduced; generals–good; pain in the left lower teeth–Nil; involuntary urination while coughing, sneezing reduced. Numbness over both palms; bloating sensation of abdomen; burning sensation in anal region and eruption around in it; pain in both lower limbs occasionally present | 1. CARBO VEG 200/2 doses + 2 doses 2. Placebo 4 pills twice daily - |
Carbo veg has been prescribed as a complementary drug to Causticum from Boericke Materia Medica. |
April 26, 2023 | Pain in the left lower teeth-nil; bloating sensation over abdomen reduced; eruption around anal region reduced; stress incontinence improved and hard stool but voided regularly | 1. CARBO VEG 200/3 doses OD 2. Placebo 4 pills BD (morning and night) weekly once×1 month |
Due to persistence of the gastric complaints. |
May 31, 2023 | Dry cough for 2 days | 1. Bryonia 200/4 doses (12th h) | As an acute remedy |
June 14, 2023 | Left-sided trigeminal neuralgic pain again reappeared, associated with headache eye pain. Dry cough with stress incontinence | 1. Causticum 1M-2 doses 2. Placebo 4 pills twice daily |
Due to recurrence and severity of the complaints |
July 12, 2023 | Complaints persist as such. Left-sided trigeminal neuralgia while talking, brushing and eating. Eruptions inside cheeks reduced | 1. Causticum 0/3 (6 doses) once on alternate days. 2. Placebo 6 pills twice daily |
Millesimal potency was prescribed due to its advantages of repetition. |
August 09, 2023 | Complaints much better. Stress incontinence nil. Pain recurring while coughing. Eruptions inside the cheek appearing. Pain right arm - relieved | 1. Causticum 0/3 (6 doses) once on the 5th day. 2. Placebo 6 pills twice daily |
millesimal potency was prescribed due to its advantages of repetition |
August 30, 2023 | Trigeminal neuralgic pain much better, with very rare occurrence and less intense. Stress incontinence – Nil | 1. Causticum 0/3 3 doses-1 dose once in 5 days+3 doses | Complaints relieved up to the maximum extent |
TDS: Thrice in a day, OD: Once a day, BD: Twice a day
TGN is one of the most common neurovascular compression disorders. Although the causation is unknown, the common reasoning is the compression at the site of exit of nerve root from the foramen, by the aberrant vessels or the surrounding structures. TGN is often referred to as suicidal pain by physicians due to its severity. Various methods of treatment available to date do not provide satisfactory relief to the patient or fail to reduce the intensity of pain. Various surgical procedures and nerve block injections may help alleviate the pain to some extent from a few days to a few months.
Given that these patients seek alternative methods of treatment such as homoeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, acupuncture, or other herbal medicines. The homeopathy system of treatment is renowned for its promising and permanent curative treatment with the application of the principle of law of similarity.[12] In the above two cases of TGN, both of them were female patients of above middle age group.
The complaints were sudden in onset as sudden toothache (as reported by patients) and later diagnosed as TGN, by dentist as well as neurologist opinion. Both cases had affections of the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve, which is the commonest type and both cases are right-sided affections of the face. In the first case, the patient had severe difficulty with being unable to speak even a single word (who visited the Institute by pressing the hand on the cheek very tightly). On the first visit, causticum 6c was prescribed, wherein there was immense relief in the first visit. Later on, increased potencies in causticum entirely cured her case without any recurrence of the pain even on exposure to triggering factors, though there were minor relapses on and off. After a few months, she entirely forgot her ailments of TGN and later consulted for her knee joint pains. The prescription was based on the constitutional totality selected after classical repertorisation . For the second case of TGN, initially, Aconite was given on the first visit, but as there was no relief to the patient and due to the extreme severity of the pain, causticum was prescribed, which has relieved not only her neuralgia pain but also her urinary urge incontinence. Later, due to gastric complaints, she was prescribed carbo veg (as a complementary to causticum), for which she got relief. The total outcome of the two cases was assessed by BNIPI score, which revealed that after the end of treatment, the intensity Grade was I from a Grade IV, which depicts there was good relief after homoeopathic intervention. Many clinical observations suggest that sanguinaria and spigelia are the two most common remedies prescribed for right- and left-sided trigeminal neuralgic affections for instantaneous relief followed by a constitutional prescription for a long-term cure. But in the above cases, instead of Spigelia/Sanguinaria, the constitutional remedy causticum proved its pain relieving nature in extreme painful episodes and it is suggested to be the preferable remedy to provide instantaneous relief for the TGN sufferers.
TGN is the deadliest form of neuralgia pain, often pain experienced by many patients, forcing them to use all sorts of treatments available to get relief instantaneously. Although many patients are utilising the conventional method of treatment, only less amount of satisfaction is being experienced due to the short action of medicines and intensified pain of the disease. Various surgical procedures or nerve-blocking techniques fail to produce satisfactory results. Homoeopathic remedies like causticum, with its intense action on the sentient nerves, give instantaneous and prolonged relief, as evidenced by the above cases.
I thank Dr. K. C. Muraleedharan, Officer Incharge, NHRIMH and all other staff for helping me in publishing this article.
Ethical approval
Institutional Review Board approval is not required.
Declaration of patient consent
The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate patient consent.
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There are no conflicts of interest.
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The authors confirm that there was no use of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology for assisting in the writing or editing of the manuscript and no images were manipulated using AI.
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